
The Benevolens Foundation is the leader of the project entitled ?Protecting cultural heritage in the Spa Park in Głuchołazy through renovation of a historic guesthouse? (?Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego w Parku Zdrojowym w Głuchołazach poprzez remont zabytkowego pensjonatu?). The Foundation was established in 2014 with the intention of helping others. It has been supporting the people in need from the very beginning of its existence, especially children and the elderly. Moreover, it manages a historic park, which was revitalized in 2016 and restored to its original function of a medical spa. The foundation is also in charge of the reconstruction of a historic guesthouse which is to serve as a house of creative work.


Project partners:

The Association of Polish Artists and Designers of the Opole region (Związek Polskich Artystów Plastyków, okręg opolski) ? an association of more than 100 professional artists from the Opole region who specialize in fields such as painting, graphic arts, sculpture, medal making, ceramics, glassmaking, stained glass production, weaving, industrial design, interior design, furniture making, stage design, art conservation. 

 Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich oddział Katowice 

The ?For Heritage? Foundation (Fundacja ?Dla Dziedzictwa?) ? a foundation established in 2010. The purpose of the Foundation is to pursue the cultural, civilizational, social and economic development and protect the cultural heritage and natural environment of the country. 

The Ballestrem Family Foundation acts as the contents partner of the project. Until the Second World War, the aforementioned guesthouse belonged to the Ballestrem Stiftung. It served as the so-called Forestry School, which the children of workers who were employed by the von Ballestrem family from Silesia used to attend from May to October.